- Brand: Xiaomi Sothing
- Model: Mosquito Racket Swatter - LED Display (DSHJ-S-2014)
- Color: White
- LED: Yes
- Battery: 1200 mAh
- Power: 2W
- Working time: up to 30 days (depending on use)
- Charging time: up to 2 hours
- Operating VOLTAGE: 2200V
- Weight: 340 g
- Size: 475 x 255 x 34 mm
Electric insect Killer racket swatter folding Xiaomi Sothing Mosquito Racket Swatter LED Display
In the BOX:
- 1 * Xiaomi Sothing Mosquito Racket Swatter LED Display
- 1 * USB cable
- 1 * User manual
- 24 month.
- The product packaging and / or description provided by the manufacturer with the product may be in Mandarin or other languages, we are environmentally friendly, therefore a separate description, instructions or packaging in Lithuanian for this product are NOT provided. Detailed information about the product (s) can be found on our website www.mimarket.lt, if this information is not enough, contact us by phone or e-mail and we will answer all your questions.
Xiaomi Sothing Mosquito Racket LED Display Mosquito Killer Folding
BEST in the market electric rechargeable mosquito KILLER
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